Laser engraved deck planking sheets CRUISER SET 1.85mm = 7 inch planks
A sheet of .6mm Sycamore veneer 270mm x 190mm with laser engraved deck planking to admiralty pattern (butts every 5th plank) with planks 2mm width. The ends of the planking are laser cut through and “joggled” so that sheet can be end joined.
The sheet is then sealed with a layer of clear application tape to bind the planks together whilst fitting and to protect the surface when gluing in place and while model work continues. The clear tape can be removed when the model is completed leaving no adhesive residue from the tape. The deck planking can then be varnished or stained as desired.
also available
Destroyer @ 5inch = 1.95 mm planks LDP2
Capital ships @ 9inch = 2.4mm planks LDP4.